Ad Solutions


CIIM Scores measure Cultural Relevancy. Cultural relevance is defined by a consumer’s own perceptions of culture in communications. CIIM measures every ad and program through 10 key cultural attributes:


The DEI Accelerator™ measures a consumer’s own perceptions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in communications. CIIM‘s DEI Accelerator™ measures every ad in three dimensions:


Our Methodology

Ad Sampling Design

Dictated by brand’s established Primary Target.

Evaluate Against All Segments

Deep Dives & Customizations

Dictated by brand’s established primary Target and client objectives.

Flexible Testing

Ensuring accurate analysis at any stage of the creative advertising pipeline across multiple media types.



Standard English Ad Testing

What’s included in the deliverable: 
-Strengths, weakness, and opportunities analysis 
-CIIM scores 
-Cultural Relevance measures  
-Ad Effectiveness Measures 
-DEI Metric 
-Open-ends sentiment analysis 
-3-hour work session for every 12 ads submitted 
Standard English testing sample sizes:  
General Market n=425+, White Non-Hispanic n=100, Hispanic English Media Viewers n=100, and Black n=100, Asian English n=65, LGBTQ n=65, People with Disabilities n=65, Native Am n=15 

In-Language Ad Testing

What’s included in the deliverable: 
-Strengths, weakness, and opportunities analysis 
-CIIM scores 
-Cultural Relevance measures  
-Ad Effectiveness Measures 
-DEI Metric 
-3-hour work session for every 12 ads submitted 
In-language ad testing sample sizes: 
Hispanic Spanish Media Viewer (N=100) 
Asian English Media Viewer (N=100) 

Competitor Segment Scores

What’s included in the deliverable: 
-General Population Weighted CIIM Score 
-Aggregated Multicultural & Inclusive CIIM Score 
Competitor segment scores sample sizes: 
-General Population Weighted (N=425) 
– Aggregated Multicultural & Inclusive CIIM Score (N=510-600) 

Open-Ends Analysis

What’s included in the deliverable: 
– Open-Ends Analysis: Includes an analysis for one segment. General Market targeted ads will be provided a multicultural open-ends analysis, while segment-specific targeted ads will be provided with an open-ends analysis for the ad’s respective target segment.  
Supplementary segment-specific open-ends evaluations will be subject to an additional premium cost. 
– Mind Map: A mind map is a diagram that illustrates relationships between individual  
mentions of words and phrases. Two diagrams are presented to visually organize positive versus negative open-end response sentiments from responses classified as  

Beyond-the-Numbers Creative Analysis

What’s included in the deliverable: 
– Immersion of current practices 
– CIIM Score performance review 
– Actionable recommendations for ad/brand improvement 
– Qualitative open-ends analysis 
– Best-in-culture practices 

Process & Timeline

We typically introduce new clients to CIIM™ via a 30-minute introductory call. We will review methodology, answer questions, and prep for next steps

Client Introduction

The client will fill out a submission form (example can be found in the references pages of this deck) that includes all assets and necesary information for the CIIM™ Team to price the client’s testing

Asset Preparation

We will begin to engage with your company’s procurement group

Initiate Procurement

The CIIM™ Team will create an SOW based on the information within the CIIM Submission Form for the client’s review. We will wait to review the client’s PO

SOW Creation

Upon SOW client approval and MP4 links provided, the CIIM™ Team can begin fielding the client’s assets. The fielding time is typically 2-3 weeks. This fielding time will be impacted by potential customizations and target segments

Fielding Process

Once out of field, the CIIM™ Team will begin the dashboard development process. This process typically requires 3-4 weeks. If an Open-End Analysis was included, that analysis will require and additional 2 weeks after the dashboard development

Dashboard Develpment

The CIIM™ Team will present the client with the results in a 1-hour work session or presentation maximum to interpret dashboard results for every 4 ads submitted

Dashboard Walkthrough

Discovering cultural relevance insights that align with the brand, CIIM™ Ads testing early-stage creative to guide final creative and maximize impact for advertisers

Incorporating CIIM™ Content cultural relevance scores with reach and frequency planning/media optimizers while leveraging the multiplier impact of minority owned/targeted media through the Diverse Media Accelerator™

Incorporating DEI reflections in ads, establishing baselines, tracking DEI Accelerator™ progress, and improvement on brand trust

Applying CIIM™ Content to understand urgency to develop characters and storylines that authentically depict MC & diverse audiences

Setting CIIM™ Ads cultural relevance performance benchmarks by brand and by segment while infusing cultural insights from creative brief to final execution